Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane... Seriously. I don't know when I'll be back again...

It is 5:27a.m. on Tuesday October 23.  
I am sitting in an airport terminal in Detroit, Michigan.
It’s actually quite warm outside, but rainy.
I’m nauseous — but I can’t decide if it’s because I’m really hungry, or really nervous.  It might be a little of both.

Outside there is an airplane.  In one hour that plane is going to take off and the first leg of my 5 flight, three day journey to Thailand is going to begin. As my friend likes to tell me, I’ll be on the runway to my destiny :)

I feel like this past week caught me off guard.  I have traveled before.   I’ve done international missions work before.  I have packed my bags and moved to a foreign country before. But it was NEVER this hard to leave.  As my friends dropped me off at the airport today I said, “I’m so nervous my whole body is going numb from head to toe...” Literally.  It was such a strange feeling.  I’ve had a few emotional moments this week.  Saying goodbye to people who I love.  A lot.  In general I’m not that emotional around people. But this morning I couldn’t help it.  I was completely overcome with such an array of emotions as the van pulled up to the curb.

My heart hurt because I didn’t want to leave all of these people behind.  My people.  My friends and family who have supported me so willingly, and without question.  

I was excited for a new adventure.

I was scared.  What if I’m not ready?

I hugged my friends. I cried a lot. And then I walked into the airport to check in my bags and God said, “I’m enough.”

I cried a little bit more, and then I got in line to check in for my flight.  I brought two bags and two carry ons for this adventure.  For the last three days I’ve been nervous that my bags were going to be over the weight limit and I would have to pay extra to travel with them.  The weight limit is 50lbs per bag.  I set my hiking backpack on the scale and it was 39lbs.  I knew then that I would be ok if I had to move a few things around, and I set my duffle bag on the scale.

Exactly 50lbs.

Thank you Jesus.

With step one of this adventure complete I felt a little more confident.  I went through security.  Step 2.  A little more confidence.  I found my gate. Step 3.  Confidence still growing.  

Sitting here and writing to you all I can say that I’m still a little scared. I’m still sad — and I’m going to be for a little while. But I trust Him. I trust the God that says, “I’m enough”.  I’m jumping in to this.  I’m all in.  I’m trusting Him, believing Him, living completely in Him. 

My flight is boarding now.  Talk to you soon, friends.


  1. For some reason i decided to read this while already tearing up thinking of you getting on the 14 hour flight and now....i'm crying. I'm so excited for your journey and know God is taking care of you but I also know it must be scary and my heart is racing for you :) Love you! Melissa

  2. It is scary... But worth it if I'm being obedient to Him! I love you too friend!
