Do you ever have those weeks that you feel you're learning more than you're accomplishing? This last week and a half has been just that for me. I feel as if I'm taking in far more than I am giving out - but being quite exhausted by it. By taking in I mean, learning lessons. And some of those lessons have been...
Heart Breaking.
I finally began to lay those lessons down on Sunday and just allow God to speak. Not take anything on, just listening. As He spoke, he was telling me a couple of things. He was reminding me of what He had previously spoken through Isaiah 41 and also reminding me that He is enough. As I thought through what He was telling me I was thinking about the difference between obedience, and willingness. We can be obedient without being willing. Willingness is a heart issue.
As I looked back at the last month and a half I saw that I walked out in obedience in what He was asking me to do here. I went to work with kids when He asked me to work with kids. I went to the cafe when He asked me to go to the cafe. I talked when He asked me to talk. I rested when He asked me to rest. But rarely was my heart willing. I may have had moments of enjoyment, but few moments of joy. As I thought about willingness I realized that there are going to be a lot of things that are going to effect my feelings here. Things that I was going to see, and hear, and miss about home that may make me FEEL sad, or heavy, or... anything that wasn't joy.
As I was reading this week I read Romans 12:1. I've read Romans 12 several times, but I don't think that I've ever really noticed what the first sentence said. "Love must be sincere". And then I realized that sincerity and willingness go together. When there's no willingness you can't be sincere. But a true willingness - which I believe means surrendering our own motives and heart - creates sincerity. But even within that, if I don't feel willing... how do I love the people here? And then I remembered 1 John 4:8 "...God is love". He doesn't display love. He doesn't give love to us. I mean - He does those things... But He IS love. So really what do I have to do?
Surrender myself, my all of me - and let God love.
It's a heart issue.
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