Wednesday, January 2, 2013

26 Things I'm Thankful for in my 26th Year: 2012

  1. This year I have been gifted with some of the best friends I've ever had.
  2. God healed me of a disease medical professionals deemed 'incurable'
  3. I got to live on top of a grocery store
  4. I was able to raise a goose AND a duck.  Easily the coolest pets ever. Thank you Jill and Brooks.
  5. I spent most of the year making people coffee.  I like people.  And I like coffee.
  6. All of the friends mentioned above have some of the coolest kids I've ever met.  And I got to hang out with them a lot.  They all make me laugh.
  7. I bought a plane ticket to Thailand - even though I had never been there and it was scary.
  8. I found out I have an amazingly supportive church family.
  9. I got to go to New York City.  Definitely my favorite place I've ever been in the world.
  10.  I moved to Thailand.  Easily the most challenging step of obedience to God I've ever taken.
  11.  I met some really amazing people with the same heart for kids and justice that I have.
  12.  I started learning Thai.
  13.  I discovered Chaa Yen.  Thank you Bethsaida.
  14.  My form of transportation became a scooter.
  15.  I became friends with some of the most incredibly strong, and awesome kids that I've ever met.  And they work in the streets of Northern Thailand.
  16.  My job is now to love on these adorable street kids.
  17.  I got better at speaking Thai.
  18.  I learned what World Race is, and how awesome World Racers are.
  19.  Khaw Sooy. I found a favorite Thai meal.
  20.  Technology.  FaceTime and iMessage have saved my sanity in 2012.
  21.  Learning how powerful steadfast obedience to Jesus is.  Even when it's hard, and you don't like it - He's still working.
  22.  Learning how to not only walk in obedience, but also with a willing heart.
  23.  Coffee.  I just love it.
  24.  Feeling an idea of direction to what my life will look like in 2013.
  25.  Learning what an incredibly supportive family and friends I have.  And growing more thankful for them everyday.
  26.  Jesus.  I couldn't do this without Him.

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